What is a Community Land Trust?


Community Land Trusts are an innovative solution to the rapidly rising cost of housing across the country. The goal is to:

  •  Provide access to land and housing to those who would otherwise be denied

  • Increase long term neighborhood assets

  • Preserve affordability . . . permanently


Spending too much on housing leads to:

  • Less available for other life essentials – food, medical, education, child care

  • No savings for life’s bumps (places families one mishap away from a disaster

  • Increasing levels of debt

  • Less disposable income available to spend in the local community


We have been working to make the Cape Fear Area a better and more inclusive place to live since 2009. Click below to learn more!

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We can only have the impact we have due to the generosity of you and other members of our community. Your support is greatly appreciated, and we humbly as you to support out mission.

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